Ironside: A Modern Faerie Tale - by Holly Black

April 24, 2007
Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing

not read yet

In the realm of Faerie, the time has come for Roiben's coronation. Uneasy in the midst of the malevolet Unseelie Court, pixie Kaye is sure of only one thing - her love for Roiden. But when Kaye, drunk of faerie wine, declares herself to Kuiloen, he sends her on a seemingly impossible quest. Now Kaye can't see or speak to Roiben unless she can find the one thing she knows doesn't exist: a faerie who can tell a lie.
Miserable and convinced she belongs nowhere, Kaye decides to tell her mother the truth - that she is a changeling left in place of the human daughter stolen long ago. Her mother's shock and horror sends Kaye back to the world of faerie courts, Kaye finds herself a pawn in the games of Silarial, queen of the Seelie Court. Silarial wants Roiden's throne, and she will use Kaye, and any means necessary, to get it. In this game of wits and weapons, can a pixie out play a queen?


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