After - by Francine Prose



Finished January 2006

The shootings in Pleasant Valley were fifty miles away, but at Central High a grief and crisis counselor is hired, security is increased, and privileges are being taken away. no one knows why.
If you break the new rules the punishment is severe. And the rules keep changing every day. School feels like a prison. It's for their protection, yet fifteen-year-old Tom Bishop and his friends learn that things are far more sinister than they seem. Students and teachers begin disappearing. There's no way to stop it.

Well this was really good up until the end. It was exciting and suspenceful for the whole book, making you think what was really going on within this school. I don't want to give anything away so all I'm going to say is that it doesn't explain anything at the end of the book. All of the questions that you end up having from reading this book don't ever get answered. It leaves you feeling completely confused and wondering what actually was happening. When I finished reading the book I figured that there was probably a second novel and all of my questions would be answered in that. But unfortuately, from what I can tell, there is no second book, meaning that the author never did and never will answer the main question of the book. In my opinion, I'm not even sure if the author herself knows the answers. Anyways for me this was a very frustrating book. However if you really like wondering and thinking of conclusions on your own, then this is a good read for you. I would be interested to hear other peoples' opinions on this book though. Let me know what you think of it.


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